Course Description
Algebra builds on a strong understanding of arithmetic and its properties in the real number system. Middle mathematics teachers have opportunities to move beyond the traditional teaching of algebra to the idea of algebraic thinking as an important component of all mathematics and everyday life. The use of tools, such as manipulative materials, calculators, and other emerging technological resources, provides educational professionals with concrete examples of how to incorporate the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice into their teaching. The goal of this course is to deepen educators' understandings of the role algebra plays in problem-solving and decision making so that they can apply this knowledge to support their students in developing similar knowledge and understandings. Educators explore a range of topics, including reasoning and sense-making; various types of functions; multiple uses of variables; pattern recognition; mathematical modeling; estimation; and the development of linear functions from rates, ratios, and proportional reasoning.Applications for each non-degree, credit-bearing, course are reviewed by Walden University’s Admissions Office. Therefore, only a single credit-bearing Walden course can be purchased at a time until an admission decision is rendered (usually within 2 business days). If you have any questions, please contact an enrollment specialist at 855-621-4892.