Course Description
While some companies may still be asking, "Why should we care about social media?" most are now asking, "How can we leverage the power of social media?" In this course, students examine how social media has changed the way consumers interact with brands and apply elements of storytelling to develop a social media strategy for an organizational scenario. In addition, students explore issues of ethics, privacy, and media law that are heightened by social media and digital communication distribution. Topics include types of social media, audience appropriateness, reputation management, social media strategy, evaluation methods, and the communications regulatory environment, including media law and privacy.Applications for each non-degree, credit-bearing, course are reviewed by Walden University’s Admissions Office. Therefore, only a single credit-bearing Walden course can be purchased at a time until an admission decision is rendered (usually within 2 business days). If you have any questions, please contact an enrollment specialist at 855-621-4892.