Course Description
Nurses base practice on sound and tested evidence to ensure the safety, high quality, and cost-effectiveness of patient care. This course provides students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the development and relationship of nursing theory, research, and practice. Through a variety of online activities and coursework, students explore the role of nursing theory in both research and practice. They examine research literature to differentiate and critique various research designs, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method models; appraise statistical data; and analyze evidence. Acquired knowledge helps students to critically evaluate research to make decisions about use of findings to enhance practice.
Applications for each non-degree, credit-bearing, course are reviewed by Walden University’s Admissions Office. Therefore, only a single credit-bearing Walden course can be purchased at a time until an admission decision is rendered (usually within 2 business days). If you have any questions, please contact an enrollment specialist at 855-621-4892.