Discovering the issues that impact health behavior requires a comprehensive, ever-evolving approach that goes far beyond the individual behavioral concept. Evidence-based public health practice, an honored professional methodology, has been elevated to an imperative given the age of conspiracy theories in which we currently live. Using legitimate evidence-based practice to improve health behavior—where you live, work, learn, play, or pray—is critical to elevating one’s quality of life. This webinar will briefly review the historical aspect of evidence-based public health practice and discuss the expanded role of alternative theories in health behavior today. Key concepts of this webinar will address historical perspectives and current models and theories but will primarily emphasize identifying current and future evidence-based practice and countering alternative theories surrounding key aspects of health behavior. Applying these issues to the COVID-19 pandemic will provide a backdrop for a comprehensive approach to addressing evidence-based practice in prevention and health promotion.
Expiration Date: 06-17-2023