Course Description
An important skill for clinicians is to have a fundamental understanding of the dynamics and functioning of couples and families. Students in this course are introduced to concepts and applications in theoretical perspectives and techniques, classical schools of thought, and recent developments in couples and family therapy. Students explore culture, gender, and ethnicity factors in family development. They also review and compare theoretical frameworks in couples and family therapy, including psychosocial, psychodynamic, transgenerational, strategic, cognitive-behavioral, and social constructionist models. Additionally, students assess the roles of culture, spirituality, and values in understanding families.Applications for each non-degree, credit-bearing, course are reviewed by Walden University’s Admissions Office. Therefore, only a single credit-bearing Walden course can be purchased at a time until an admission decision is rendered (usually within 2 business days). If you have any questions, please contact an enrollment specialist at 855-621-4892.